Here’s a random assortment of some pics from Analog A Go Go 2012.
The great steampunk treehouse in front of the Dogfish Head brewery in Milton.
Awesome apostrophe and some cool looking bread at the Royal Farms gas station.
Jack Lingo, Jack Lingo, Jack Lingo…this guy must own the whole town, he’s everywhere!
Two of our favorite parts of Delaware – the Oceanus Motel and readily available UTZ chips.
Paul Aaronson & Todd at the Dogfish Head Rehoboth Beach Pub. Paul was falling asleep while we finished our 2 man pinball tournament at the Bad Cats table.
The awesome display of shirts at the Dogfish tasting room in Milton.
What was wrong with this cameraman?? We watched this ridiculous PBS instructional piano guy for over an hour before we finally fell asleep.
Our comment card said, “We would strongly recommend that the manager would review comment cards at 2:30 PM and 9:00 PM as we are most available to watch you read them at those times”.
Capping off the trip at the open mic soul night at the Channel Inn. This place is awesome.
The hilarious bathroom signs at Dogfish in Milton.
Hey, it’s a natural Fat Tire display in Delaware! Believe it or not this was totally unstaged.
The Fleshtones killin it at Dogfish Head Rehoboth on Friday night –