It is definitely hot and busy at the shop, but we wanted to take a second to talk about a really cool community event happening here in Fort Collins. We are proud to be working with the Fort Collins Habitat for Humanity and eight local breweries on The House That Beer Built.
In early September Black Bottle Brewing, C.B. and Potts, Coopersmiths, Equinox Brewing, Fort Collins Brewery, Odell Brewing, New Belgium Brewing, and Pateros Creek Brewing are all coming together to build a house for some folks that lost their home in the High Park Fire.
Here are some pictures of the limited edition shirts we made for the event.
Want to get your hands on one of these shirts? Head over to any of the participating breweries and make a donation to pick one up early.
Want to get involved with the building of the house? Don’t have any cash, but you have some time to get out, meet new people, raise the roof, and do something cool for the community? Got some cash, but no time? Check out the Community Funded page to find out how to get involved.