Our friends at New Belgium Brewing just released a beer that has been getting a lot of play around here at the shop. Snapshot Wheat is somewhat of a sour wheat beer that is surprisingly refreshing but with a nice sour kick. Before you say “wait a second I don’t like wheat beers,” get out there and try this one. It is completely new and different.
We love the new artwork and the beer. Here are some pictures of Darin with the shirts we printed for Snapshot Wheat.
Speaking of the new artwork. Did you notice that New Belgium looks different? They recently refreshed their whole line. While it was sad for us to print the last of the old watercolor logos, we think the refresh is an awesome look. Want to learn more? Check out this news article about the Re-Tirement party for the last Fat Tire watercolor printing. From all of us here at Go West-Cheers New Belgium and keep up the good work!